Collection: Dating, What The F*ck?
Lori L. Hardacker is a first-time author who had, unfortunately, experienced the dating world for over 25 years. The stories she has accumulated and her opinions on dating will cause others laughter, joy, pain and tears. She is emotionally, mentally and physically exhausted from the "dating roller coaster" she has been on and tells it like it is with no holds barred! She shares real-life and often times unbelievable stories from her experiences, and the experiences and opinions of other singles. This book is in NO WAY a self-help book, so don't read it if you are looking to make sense of the world of dating. Read it if you are or have been single and dating and are looking for others to commiserate with! With that all being said, put your seat in the upright position, lock yourself in, grab the barf bag located in the seat in front of you, hang on tight and enjoy the ride.