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Greeting cards
For Pete’s Sake
Life is too short to not be straight to the point and sometimes brutally honest. Very often we want to scream from the mountain tops and say what we feel, but sometimes we are too afraid to. So, if you need a little help vocalizing your words, try using one of these cards instead. For Pete’s Sake cards are down right humorous, sweet and some are even a touch inappropriate. Life is too short to keep your feelings bottled up, so pop that cork, unscrew that cap and let it out!

Dating What The F*CK?
Lori L. Hardacker is a first-time author who has unfortunately been dating for over 20 years. The stories she has accumulated and her opinions on dating will cause others laughter, joy, pain and tears. She is emotionally, mentally and physically exhausted from the "dating roller coaster" she has been on and tells it like it is with no holds barred! She shares real-life and often times unbelievable stories from her experiences, and the experiences and opinions of other singles. This book is in NO WAY a self-help book, so don't read it if you are looking to make sense of the world of dating. Read it if you are or have been single and dating and are looking for others to commiserate with! With that all being said, put your seat in the upright position, lock yourself in, grab the barf bag located in the seat in front of you, hang on tight and enjoy the ride.
Spot on accuracy on what it is like to “date” these days. No kidding makes you feel better about your own dating disasters. You are not alone in this crazy little thing called love ….or at least the seemingly never ending maddening pursuit of it.
5.0 out of 5 stars I laughed out loud, literally
If you're looking for blunt honesty when it comes to dating, well here it is. Lori doesn't hold back and I'm glad she didn't because her stories are raw, raunchy, and FUNNY.
5.0 out of 5 stars Easy and Entertaining
Lori is hilarious. Her writing style is easy to read. I enjoyed her numerous stories! They had me laughing throughout the book, and I could relate with many of the stories! I'm so glad other people go through these dating things also. Lori keeps it 100 and I appreciate that. It's definitely a must read. Just remember it's not a self help book. Just read to enjoy!
About the Business
The name, "Constant Chaos" came easily to me as it’s a representation of my life. I tell everyone that I am a sh*t show, and my family thinks my life has always been chaotic. I was originally going to call the company, “Hot Mess”, but it was too common, so I came up with another name that fits me just right. I am now 51, and I swear I have always been in a state of constant chaos!
In May 2016, my life changed quite significantly! I decided to sell my house, buy a RV and travel the country to live and work at various campgrounds, RV parks, resorts and restaurants across the US. To say it was an adventure is an understatement! It’s was a complete HOT MESS at times and amazing at others! I can’t even begin to tell you the hell I put my poor RV through. For those of you who have seen “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” you know what I am talking about when I reference “Cousin Eddie’s RV”. I called
my RV “Cousin Lori’s RV”! '
In addition to RVing, I also thought about the craziness of life and all of the hiccups that come along with it. That is why I also added dog, sports, golf, activities and everyday life to the mix.
My dog, Essie, is my canine soulmate and I can’t even image what she thinks of me when the “bleep” is hitting the fan, and I am all over the place trying to get my life in order. She is usually always with me and experiencing what I am experiencing, whether it’s good or bad. Other dog owners understand when I say that my dog is like my kid and my life wouldn’t be the same without her. I would love it if she could write a book from her perspective. I am sure it would be a comedy of errors. If dogs could talk!
Next, I just had to create the line of shirts, “Hospitality Hell!”. I started serving/waitressing when I was 16 and now, I am 51!!!!!! That is over 30 years in the industry and it was HELL to say the least! I am sure plenty of you can relate!
In addition to creating t-shirts, I wrote a funny, raunchy and no BS, non-ficiton book about my 30 plus years in the dating world. I had been told for over 10 years to write about my horrific experiences that others found so funny! At the time, nothing was funny about any of it, but now looking back, I can't believe my stories are real!
Last, but definitely not least, my boyfriend, Pete, and I created a very unique and hysterical line of greeting cards. It all came about because I said that we should create a greeting card line about the stupid shit he continuously says. Picking the name was easy, his name is Pete and "For Pete's Sake" is a phrase used as an expression of frustration, exasperation and annoyance!
So, there you have it, the creation of “Constant Chaos”! The amount of items will get bigger as time goes on, so keep checking the store!